- オーバークラウディング
- 尾バーバイト
- 開咬
- オーバージェット
- アンダーバイト
- 交差咬合
- 歯間の隙間
従来の金属矯正 は技術進歩により以前よりも小さくより効果的でつけ心地が良くなりました。
舌側矯正 aは装具が歯の裏側に付けられ他人の目に触れることがありません。舌側矯正は特に人目が気になる大人の方むけです。
インビザライン は、取り外し可能な透明装具です。金属ワイヤーやブラケットを一切使用せずに矯正します。
Clear aligners uses a series of clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth without fixed metal wires or brackets. This is an invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces.
Self Ligating Braces uses is a unique clip bracket system to move teeth with low or light forces. Damon Braces and Clarity SL Braces are well-known self-ligating braces.
- 早期または遅期の乳歯欠損
- 咬む・噛み切るのが困難
- 口呼吸
- 歯が密集・位置違い・重なりはえている
- 顎のはずれ・音がする
- ほほ・口内上を噛んでしまう
- 噛み合わせが悪い
- 顔面に対する顎と歯の位置がアンバランス
- 顎の成長管理
- 上下歯のアーチ幅の管理
- 永久歯の位置管理
- 突き出した前歯の外傷危険を減少
- 害のある口腔癖をなおす
- 異常な飲み込みや話し方の問題を減少
- 外見や自尊心の向上
- 以後の治療時間の短縮
- 永久歯密集の可能性を減少
- はえてくる永久歯の隙間を保護
Orthodontic Treatment Conditions
Orthodontic treatment is used to treat different conditions:
Teeth may be aligned poorly because the dental arch is small and/or the teeth are large. The bone and gums over the roots of extremely crowded teeth may become thin and recede as a result of severe crowding. Impacted teeth, poor biting relationships and undesirable appearance may all result from crowding.
If teeth are missing or small, or the dental arch is very wide, space between the teeth can occur. The most common complaint from those with excessive space is poor appearance.
The most common type of a crossbite is when the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth (toward the tongue). Crossbites of both back teeth and front teeth are commonly corrected early due to biting and chewing difficulties.
About 3 to 5 percent of the population has a lower jaw that is to some degree longer than the upper jaw known as an underbite or lower jaw protrusion. This can cause the lower front teeth to protrude ahead of the upper front teeth creating a crossbite. Careful monitoring of jaw growth and tooth development is indicated for these patients.
A deep overbite or deep bite occurs when the lower incisor (front) teeth bite too close or into the gum tissue behind the upper teeth. When the lower front teeth bite into the palate or gum tissue behind the upper front teeth, significant bone damage and discomfort can occur. A deep bite can also contribute to excessive wear of the incisor teeth.
An open bite results when the upper and lower incisor teeth do not touch when biting down. This open space between the upper and lower front teeth causes all the chewing pressure to be placed on the back teeth. This excessive biting pressure and rubbing together of the back teeth makes chewing less efficient and may contribute to significant tooth wear.